🌊The Pool System


Don't have an NFT? No problem. Catvegas owners of our second NFT series can solve this with a pool system. Catvegas owners can transfer NFTs from their Cheese Art Labs wallet to the pool, and earn royalties from each use of these NFTs. Our users who do not own an NFT can craft and purchase products using the NFTs that Catvegas owners have transferred to the pool. They pay a small amount of royalties for each use, which is transferred to the NFT owner. This way, Catvegas owners can earn additional income from this system without losing their NFTs, and we can increase our user count. We will explain how increasing our user count benefits us more clearly in Metaplan.

Introducing the Catvegas Pool System: Bridging the Gap for NFT Accessibility

In the ever-evolving world of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), accessibility and inclusivity have become paramount concerns. Catvegas, the creative minds behind our second NFT series, has ingeniously addressed this challenge with our innovative Catvegas Pool System. Whether you're a seasoned NFT holder or entirely new to the NFT ecosystem, our groundbreaking pool system offers a solution that benefits everyone.

Unlocking NFT Possibilities:

Have you ever found yourself captivated by the allure of NFTs but not yet ventured into owning one? Fear not! With the Catvegas Pool System, the doors to the NFT world are wide open for all. Here's how it works:

  1. Ownership Flexibility: Catvegas owners who possess NFTs from our second series can seamlessly contribute these tokens to the Catvegas Pool. This process does not involve losing ownership of the NFT but rather involves temporarily lending them to the system.

  2. Royalties for Contributors: What's in it for the Catvegas owners who contribute their NFTs to the pool? Royalties! Every time an NFT from the pool is used, its owner is entitled to a share of the royalties generated. This means that Catvegas owners can continue to benefit from their NFT investments while allowing others to explore their creative potential.

  3. Craft and Purchase Products: Now, here's where it gets exciting for those who have yet to own an NFT. Users who do not possess NFTs can access the Catvegas Pool and use the NFTs contributed by Catvegas owners. This opens up a world of possibilities, enabling users to craft and purchase products using these NFTs.

  4. Royalties for NFT Owners: To make the Catvegas Pool System equitable, users who utilize NFTs from the pool pay a nominal royalty fee for each use. These royalties are then transferred to the original NFT owner, ensuring that creators are duly compensated for their contributions.

A Win-Win Proposition:

The Catvegas Pool System is a win-win proposition for all involved parties:

  • Catvegas Owners: By contributing NFTs to the pool, Catvegas owners not only retain ownership but also generate additional income through royalties.

  • Users without NFTs: Users gain access to a treasure trove of NFTs, unleashing their creativity and expanding their options for crafting and purchasing unique products.

  • Catvegas Community: The Catvegas community as a whole benefits from increased user participation, which enhances the vibrancy of our ecosystem and fosters growth.

The Metaplan for Success:

Expanding our user count is not merely a goal but a strategic imperative. As we grow our user base, we unlock several advantages:

  1. Economic Viability: A larger user base translates to increased economic activity within our ecosystem, promoting sustainability and growth.

  2. Network Effect: More users attract more creators and developers, enriching the variety and quality of offerings within Catvegas.

  3. Community Engagement: A thriving user community fosters engagement, collaboration, and a sense of belonging among all participants.

In conclusion, the Catvegas Pool System is a groundbreaking solution that democratizes NFT access, empowers creators, and fuels the growth of our community. With inclusivity at its core, Catvegas continues to pave the way for a more vibrant and accessible NFT future. Join us on this exciting journey, and let's unlock the limitless possibilities of NFTs together.

Last updated